inlingua Sprachcenter München

Sendlinger-Tor-Platz 6
80336 München

Tel.: 089 - 2311530
Fax: 089 - 2609920

4,83 Sterne

68 KennstDuEinen Bewertungen


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Gesamtbewertung ( 68 Bewertungen)

4,84/5 Sterne

68 Bewertungen im Überblick

5 Sterne: 60

4 Sterne: 6

3 Sterne: 1

2 Sterne: 1

1 Sterne: 0


5 Sterne


Energetic and amazing

The teacher motivates me every day to learn more. He is energetic and the atmosphere with him in class is amazing

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5 Sterne


Interesting and pleasant course

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my teacher, Max, for making the course interesting and pleasant. I believe that his deep knowledge and passion for his profession add to the prestige of the school.

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5 Sterne


Feedback inlingua München

I really enjoyed the course. The teacher spoke only German language, easy to understand, he wrote on the blackboard all the time and he involved us in conversations. For sure, I will be your student again next year.

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5 Sterne


Der Sprachkurs hat mir sehr gefallen.

Der Sprachkurs hat mir sehr gefallen. Der Unterricht mit meinen Lehrern war sehr interessant, sodass ich auch viel gelernt habe.
Der Konversationsunterricht war wunderschön, weil ich viele interessante Dinge gelernt habe.

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5 Sterne


Ich fand den Unterricht ganz super

Ich fand den Unterricht ganz super. Wir hatten viel Spaß dabei. Nur gab es viel Grammatik. Die Lehrerin Monika war sehr lieb.

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5 Sterne


Das ist mein zweites Mal

Das ist mein zweites Mal bei inlingua und ich finde die Atmosphäre wirklich gut. Die Lehrer sind sehr motiviert und man hat Spaß bei Lernen.

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5 Sterne


Ich habe Glück gehabt, weil ...

Ich habe Glück gehabt, weil unsere Lehrerin nicht nur hochqualifiziert und intelligent ist, sondern auch kreativ, engagiert und hochmotiviert. Sie ist eine ideale Lehrerin für mich und ich danke ihr für jeden Unterricht.

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5 Sterne


This course was really awesome…

This course was really awesome because I never thought that I would be able to speak German because of its complexity but I would like to thank our teacher who is very, very good and made it.

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5 Sterne


“I had a great time learning German from inlingua for the past 1 year. It is sad that I couldn’t continue the class with inlingua.

“I had a great time learning German from inlingua for the past 1 year. It is sad that I couldn’t continue the class with inlingua.
I would like to take this opportunity to give some feedback to inlingua and to our teacher, K.:
- Balancing between Work & Study are always tough and the teaching pace in inlingua are just right for me.
- small chat in the beginning of class session, to give us the opportunity to practice our German speaking & listening skill.
- Balance between teaching and small games make the class more lively and interesting.
- Homework to practice the grammars and writing of Short essay/Story/Letters. Although writing essay/story is very tough for beginner like me, but It is very effective.
I manage to learn a lot of new words and grammars by learning from the mistake that I made.
- The provided learning materials from inlingua are also in high quality. The book are well structure, accompany with CD for home learning/practice.

I’m happy that now I’m able to apply my learning in daily life, grocery, restaurant and having small chat with new friends that I met. This skill also help me to integrate to Munich better. 

Thank you to inlingua and also to K.!

Best Regards,

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5 Sterne


I learned so much!

I learned so much! Much more and much more quickly than I learned in Texas. My teacher was incredible! I really mean it. She was so helpful and she really seemed to care about our education! Thank you all so much! My host mother was great! She was such a nice and helpful host! No problems at all and she really helped me with my German! Send more American students to her, they will really enjoy her company!

I really enjoyed my time at inlingua and I certainly learned quite a bit more than what I learned in the United States. Thank you so much!

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