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Gesamtbewertung ( 199 Bewertungen)

4,62/5 Sterne

199 Bewertungen im Überblick

5 Sterne: 168

4 Sterne: 11

3 Sterne: 5

2 Sterne: 5

1 Sterne: 10


5 Sterne


I took two hours of personal yoga as a beginner here. It ...

I took two hours of personal yoga as a beginner here. It was a wonderful experience and most probably will be a great start into the field of yoga.
Even if you're not into yoga, this place will make your heart and soul smile. Not even mentioning the great tasting food. YOU HAVE TO GO THERE

hat diese Bewertung am 13.03.2018 kommentiert:

Danke Michael für deine tolle Rückmeldung. Bis bald in Berlin



1 Stern



WELCOME TO THE STARBUCKS & AIRBNB YOGA GENERATION - the basic idea behind this place is: hold on why don't we turn our unused storage-room into a yoga room?
opposite to this yoga room there are the regular restrooms of the caffee located which makes you wait for the beginning of the class with a smell of urine and disinfectant fluids (same after the class) in your nose. the dressing room is a joke: after the exercises 10 people squeeze together in tiniest space trying to find their clothes and belongings. the teacher was actually quite OK - but the vibe and smells (and the meditative noise of the cappuccino machine) killed it all for me.

hat diese Bewertung am 27.02.2018 kommentiert:

I would like to address it to your personally but I don´t see your name. We are a small studio and yes we don´t have a big changing room. Most of our students come to our place, already wearing their yoga close. We have locker for your personal belongings and we offer mats and all the probs which are needed. The yoga room is separated by two door from the bath room, so you don´t have any noise or smell from toilet in the yoga room. We can´t influence what people are doing in our bathroom and which kind of smell they are creating. I was there that day and the smell was in the corridor on the way to the bathrooms. It has never been such a problem before. I´m sorry for that inconvenience.



5 Sterne


My favourite cafe in Berlin for working on my laptop! Suc...

My favourite cafe in Berlin for working on my laptop! Such lovely and friendly service, great healthy and affordable food options, and just felt so undisturbed and comfortable here all day. Thank you!

hat diese Bewertung am 13.03.2018 kommentiert:

Thank you Melissa for this positive review. Hope to see you soon.



2 Sterne


Review for the yoga course: I have joined a class saturda...

Review for the yoga course: I have joined a class saturday morning with urban sports. When you were stretching out your arms you would hit your neighbour straight in the face. Far too many people for this small room. And the teacher just stuffed in more students. I have never felt this claustrophobic during a yoga class. There is not really a changing room either... I will not go there again.

The Cafe is kind of small but looks lovely



5 Sterne


hat diese Bewertung am 15.04.2019 kommentiert:

Vielen lieben Dank für deine tolle Bewertung! Das Team vom YogaCafé - Mindful Life



5 Sterne


Nicht nur das Ambiente stimmt, auch die Qualität der Spei...

Nicht nur das Ambiente stimmt, auch die Qualität der Speisen und der Geschmack hat uns sehr überzeugt. Dazu wird noch auf ethische Maßstäbe geachtet. Absolute fünf Sterne ohne Abstriche!!!



5 Sterne


immer wieder gerne....

immer wieder gerne....



5 Sterne


One of my best spot during my 3 days in Berlin. Their bro...

One of my best spot during my 3 days in Berlin. Their brownie was absolutely awesome. Can't wait to come back again !



5 Sterne


Ich habe hier zwar nur einen schwarzen Kaffee getrunken, ...

Ich habe hier zwar nur einen schwarzen Kaffee getrunken, aber der hat es in sich. Sehr kräftiges und angenehmes Aroma. Solch einen leckeren Kaffee finde ich sonst eher selten. Der Preis ist auch sehr gut.


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