Frauenarztpraxis Dr. med. Julia Reeve

Hochstraße 2
52525 Heinsberg

Tel.: 02452 - 91110
Fax: 02452 - 911119

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I had 2 appointments with Dr. Reeve and two separate horror stories with her.
On the first occasion, Dr. Reeve administered an ultrasound exam and noted an anomaly of which I was previously unaware. I believe being concerned about one's own reproductive health could be understandable in such a situation, but apparently not to Dr. Reeve. When I asked some clarifications about my situation, she proceeded to YELL at me, saying that she had already answered me twice and would not do so a third time. Dr. Reeve did apologize for 'upsetting'' me, which is to me a feeble consolation for such horrendous bedside manners, rude behaviour that undeniably goes against the medical principle of patient education. Also, sobbing butt-naked while getting a pelvic exam would not be on my list of top-10 fun experiences.
On the second occasion, I arrived to my appointment and the front door was locked. I buzzed the receptionist, who informed me that she would be coming down to open the door for me. I waited for 10 minutes under torrential rain until I was able to enter as someone exited the building. When I shared with the receptionist that I believed it was inconsiderate to let patients wait outside in the rain, she appeared annoyed and let me know that she had other things to do as she was busy. Dr. Reeve then intervened, saying that the front door was, in fact, unlocked (fun fact : it certainly was not) and explicitly questioned my mental sanity saying that I should 'seek professional help''. She then brusquely kicked me out of her office without a medical consultation, with apparent disregard for my physical health. I let Dr. Reeve know that I believed this to be unacceptable, and informed her that I would warn others of the treatment I received at her clinic, to which she responded that she would not want people like me as her patients anyhow.
As a mental health professional coaching my clients in conflict resolution, I am used to dealing with irate individuals who lose their self-control. I wouldn't accept to be treated in such a way by anyone, let alone a medical professional with whom I am expected to trust the most intimate aspects of my physical health. I strongly encourage women seeking treatment to search far, far away.

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